One of NASBA’s goals is to make the CPA credential available to both domestic and international accounting professionals around the world, and we recognize that many applicants for licensure have difficulty finding an actively licensed CPA to sign off on their experience requirement.

The Experience Verification service is our latest effort to address the needs of both domestic and international licensure applicants by providing access to an interview with an actively licensed U.S. CPA, while also conducting a thorough authentication of the applicant’s work experience.

What do you need?

In order to begin the Experience Verification service, applicants must have:

  • Passed the CPA Examination or International Qualification Examination (IQEX)
  • Met the Board’s educational requirements for licensure, and
  • At least 2,000 hours of work experience within the time frame specified by the jurisdiction

Service Availability

NASBA will offer Experience Verification for licensure in the following jurisdictions:

    New HampshireSouth CarolinaVirginiaWashingtonWashington D.C.

      Individuals who sat for the CPA Exam in jurisdictions other than the jurisdictions listed above, may be eligible to transfer their scores to these jurisdictions and apply/obtain licensure.

      Individuals applying for the IQEX exam in one of these jurisdictions, who need to submit post-licensure work experience with their IQEX application, may use this service.


      Domestic Experience Verification: $600
      International Experience Verification: $800

      The Process

      • Submit an application and payment online.
      • Your work experience is verified by NASBA.
      • An interview with an actively licensed U.S. CPA is conducted, which will cover the skills used in your daily responsibilities as well as your company history and structure.
      • A comprehensive final report is prepared for you to submit to the Board of Accountancy.

      Contact Us

      Email: [email protected]

      Useful Links

      Experience Verification FAQ