
NASBA will host a Facebook Chat that will be geared around a specific topic, such as the CPA Examination, every month or so. The purpose of NASBA Facebook Chats is to provide CPA candidates answers to their CPA-related questions. Each chat will include one or more experts who will answer questions from Facebook Chat participants within the designated hour. This gives individuals a chance to receive answers to their questions quickly, with very limited wait time!

The Facebook Chat will only last one (1) hour. Individuals who do not receive an answer to their question may email their question to: [email protected]. Or, participants can wait until the Facebook Chat blog goes live, which will be the following week. Each Facebook Chat blog will repost all questions and answers that appeared in the Facebook Chat. If there were questions that the expert could not get to because of the limited timeframe, he or she will answer them on the blog.

How the Facebook Chat Works

The Facebook Chat will appear on the NASBA Facebook page as a post (with an image about the Facebook Chat) at the exact time the Chat is scheduled to start. Once the post appears, Chat participants may ask questions using the comment box (which is below the Chat image). The expert(s) will reply to the questions one-by-one, in order. At this time, NASBA Facebook Chats are not Facebook Live events or include video or audio of any kind. Please view past Facebook Chats on the NASBA Facebook page for examples of how the Chats work.

Upcoming Facebook Chat


Blog Recaps of Past Facebook Chats

> Everything You Want to Know About the CPA Exam – May 17, 2018

> Squashing CPA Exam Rumors – October 19, 2017

> International Education and the CPA Exam – June 22, 2017

> CPAES Exam Requirements – April 27, 2017

> The Next CPA Exam – February 16, 2017

> All Things Licensing – November 17, 2016

> Testing Accommodations 101 – October 20, 2016

> Exam Application 101 – September 22, 2016

> Candidate Testing Experience – August 18, 2016

Moderation Policy

If you decide to join a NASBA Facebook Chat, please respect your peers. In order for everyone to enjoy their experience, NASBA has created Facebook Chat house rules. The NASBA moderator has the right to delete any of the following content if it appears in the Chat:

  • Profane, defamatory, offensive or violent language
  • "Trolling," or posting deliberately disruptive statements meant to hijack comment threads or throw discussions off-track
  • Attacks on specific groups or any comments meant to harass, threaten or abuse an individual
  • Hateful or discriminatory comments regarding race, ethnicity, religion, gender, disability, sexual orientation or political beliefs
  • Links or comments containing sexually explicit content material
  • Discussion of illegal activity
  • Spam, link baiting or files containing viruses that could damage the operation of other people’s computers or mobile devices
  • Commercial solicitations
  • Content that relates to confidential or proprietary business information
  • Content determined to be inappropriate, in poor taste, or otherwise contrary to the purposes of the chat
  • Personal promotion
  • Any other content deemed irrelevant to the users of the Facebook Chat