Search Results for: mobility legislation

President’s Memo: “You are not listening!” 

SHARE: As the president and CEO of NASBA, I have always felt comfortable in my ability to monitor and measure what I describe as the temperature of our stakeholders. While the State Boards of Accountancy are our primary stakeholders, we are certainly interested in the opinions and ideas of Board of Accountancy staff members, State…

President’s Memo: Diplomacy 

SHARE: Usually long before I pen the beginning drafts of my President’s Memo, I spend significant time looking through the thoughts and ideas I have jotted down that I might want to write about. This forum provides me a unique opportunity to opine, suggest and, sometimes, attempt to persuade readers on issues, challenges and opportunities.…

Benefits of ALL as a Tool for Students

SHARE: Author: Dina Barabash, Content Development & Web Specialist Posted: Aug. 29, 2022 Given the ever-changing regulatory environment and adoption of Mobility legislation, in most states, it is becoming increasingly difficult to remain up-to-date on the laws and rules governing CPAs. Accountancy Licensing Library (ALL) helps remove the complexity from the CPA license and firm…

Legislative Updates: Don’t Assume – Constantly Educate and Reinforce!

SHARE: The desirability of uniformity among accountancy jurisdictions is recognized in the Uniform Accountancy Act (UAA), which has created and refined systems to provide for: mobility, peer review, continuing professional education requirements, non-CPA ownership, CPE Reciprocity and the ease for reciprocal licensure in almost all 50 states, territories, and the District of Columbia—all while protecting…

AZ Recognizes Other States’ Licensees

SHARE: Arizona has become the first state to automatically grant occupational licenses to its residents who hold similar licenses in good standing from other states for at least a year. However, those with a criminal record can be disqualified and instant reciprocity is not granted for those occupations requiring a security clearance. The legislation, HB…

Removing Good Moral Character

SHARE: Among the legislative trends being followed by NASBA Director of Legislative and Governmental Affairs John W. Johnson is a push to remove “good moral character” as a requirement for licensure. Mr. Johnson reported to the executive directors that this is one of the initiatives of the Institute for Justice, which characterizes this requirement as…

Regional Calls Held

SHARE: All eight of NASBA’s Regions held conference calls in the last few weeks. Besides receiving updates on legislative efforts in and around their states, as presented by Vice President – State Board Relations Dan Dustin and Director of Governmental and Legislative Affairs John Johnson, the Board chairs and executive directors exchanged their insights on…

UAA vs. Anti-Regulation Forces

SHARE: “The Uniform Accountancy Act is one of the best ways to refute ALEC and other such groups,” advised NASBA Director of Legislative and Regulatory Affairs John Johnson. “These groups don’t know what we have done to promote uniformity, to remove barriers for professionals to move across state lines, etc.” Mr. Johnson said he will…

Chair’s Memo: Tomorrow Is Still Promised

SHARE: During my inaugural address, entitled “Tomorrow is Promised,” I asked who hasn’t said or heard the phrase: “Promises, promises…”? Every day, we are challenged to keep our commitment as regulators to ensure a safer tomorrow for the public we serve and protect. Last year’s Annual Meeting theme focused on the continual evolution of the…

Regulatory Challenges Continue

State Board Report April 2017 The Institute for Justice, American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) and Cato Institute are continuing to support their limited government agenda, John Johnson, NASBA Director of Legislative and Governmental Affairs, told the Board and Society executives. “One of our best defenses to their limited government agenda is for the accounting profession…