February 2012

With a new year comes the time to welcome a new group of individuals tasked with improving participation in the ALD. Welcome to the 2011-2012 ALD Task Force Members! Each member also has focused objectives, evident in their appointments to specific Strike Force Teams (Sub-committees).

Dan Sweetwood NE Chair
Sally Anderson, CPA CA Member
Patti Bowers CA Member
Mark H. Crocker, CPA TN Member
Susan M. Harris, CPA MS Member
Wade A. Jewell VA Member
Tom G. Neill, CPA WA Member
Ken R. Odom, CPA AL Member
Mike W. Skinner, CPA GA Member
Edith Steele OK Member
Rick C. Sweeney, CPA WA Member
Viki A. Windfeldt NV Member
Lisa Zolman WA Member
Elizabeth Bachhuber NASBA Staff
Rebecca Gebhardt NASBA Staff
Dan J. Dustin, CPA NASBA Staff


With the addition of new members, new appointments to our various Strike Forces (Subcommittees) were made. Appointments and a brief description of their roles are described below:

Technical Strike Force

Lisa Zolman (Chair), Susan Harris and Patti Bowers are charged with addressing technical issues relating to the ALD and CPAverify such as data quality and security.

Strategy Strike Force

Viki Windfeldt (Chair), Rick Sweeney and Thomas Neill will leverage their relationships with fellow EDs to accomplish three main objectives: (i) to motivate states that have only submitted licensee data once or only update quarterly to increase the frequency of their data submissions; (ii) to motivate states to send more comprehensive and consistent data; and (iii) to help bring on remaining states that are not yet participating.

Policy Strike Force

Mark Crocker (Chair), Wade Jewell, Mike Skinner and Sally Anderson will focus on disciplinary action data and how it is used, shared, distributed and published on both the ALD and CPAverify.

Public Strike Force

Edith Steele (Chair), Ken Odom, Rick Sweeney and Mike Skinner will focus on CPAVerify and any issues that may arise, including Search Engine Optimization for CPAverify.org, for which we have enlisted Marketing’s expertise.

Training Strike Force

Wade Jewell (Chair), Lisa Zolman and Viki Windfeldt are charged with facilitating ALD training sessions and the creation of training materials for both State Board staff currently participating in the ALD and for State Boards that are interested in participating in the ALD.