SHARE: ![]() Author: Patricia Hartman, Director of Client Services
Waiting to receive your CPA Exam scores? Here are a few things to keep in mind on score release day. First things first, please note that NASBA does not score your Uniform CPA Exam (Exam), nor does NASBA determine Exam score release timeline. The AICPA scores the Exam, and you can see when your scores will be sent to NASBA by visiting the AICPA website via the link below. All scores for the “release dates” should be posted within 48 hours from when NASBA starts receiving the scores from the AICPA. If you are a candidate for California, Illinois or Maryland, you will need to obtain your Exam scores from your Board of Accountancy’s website. Candidates from all other states will obtain their scores from the Candidate Portal. The AICPA scores the Exam with your Examination ID. They do not know your name, gender, ethnicity, where you were educated, where you live or which jurisdiction you applied to for the CPA Exam. Once they have scored the Exams, they send the advisory score to NASBA. NASBA uploads scores to the National Candidate Database where they are matched to your file by using the Examination ID. Once that is done, the NASBA Examinations Team can complete processing, send your score to your jurisdiction and post your advisory score in the Candidate Portal. NASBA will post via social media channels when scores are available in the Candidate Portal. Historically, the team has been able to complete processing the evening before the targeted score release and allow you to view your advisory score. However, it is important to remember the dates are targeted, not guaranteed. Sometimes the result files from Prometric do not make it the AICPA by the cutoff date. Within 72 hours after the advisory score has been posted an “eye” icon will appear to the right of your advisory score. This is where you will find your official score notice, which shows your candidate performance report(if you failed the Exam. NASBA recommends you save or print your score notices. Once the notice is removed from the NASBA CPA Candidate Account, you will not be able to view or print the score notice again. The Candidate Portal is not designed to house your score notices indefinitely. You can only view the scores released from the current release. After the expiration date listed, you will no longer be able to view your advisory score or the score notice. If you fail the Exam, your score notice will have a performance report to compare your performance to candidates who successfully completed the exam section. You may refer to the AICPA’s website regarding their CPA Exam Scoring via the link below. If you fail the Exam section, know that it can take up to five days from when your advisory score has been posted for that section to fully close out. You will have to continue to check the online application to see when the section re-opens to allow you to register for it. If you pass the Exam section, congratulations and best of luck through the rest of your journey to become a licensed CPA! For more score information, please visit |