NASBA, in consultation with the Boards of Accountancy, has authorized a new program for colleges, universities and CPA firms to utilize Prometric’s Bulk Scheduling service in the United States for scheduling candidates for the Uniform CPA Examination (CPA Exam).

    The goal of this program is to allow colleges, universities and firms to reserve seats at select test centers for their cohorts of candidates at a nominal cost. This will enable candidates to test as a group, aligning with their CPA Exam preparation schedules. NASBA, AICPA and Prometric’s aim is that this program will foster the benefits of cohorts and provide added accountability for completing testing.

    Program Process:

      1. Contact NASBA by visiting this link:
      2. NASBA approves the institution for participation.
      3. Prometric will send Letter of Acknowledgement, Bulk Registration Request Form and the Test Scheduling Form to the institution.

        Key Information:

          1. NASBA, after consultation with the Boards of Accountancy, may suspend Bulk Scheduling during high-volume periods.
          2. Blocks can be requested up to six months in advance of the appointment date.
          3. A minimum of 10 blocks must be requested with each seat block request.
          4. The test scheduling request form, along with candidate data must be submitted at least 14 days prior to the appointment date; otherwise, the blocks will be released.
          5. Once a candidate is scheduled, it becomes a standard appointment, which can be managed by the candidate for cancellation or rescheduling.
          6. Bulk Scheduling is not available for candidates requiring a testing accommodation.

              As part of the Bulk Scheduling cohort, CPA test takers can also prepare together for Test Day. Take advantage of these helpful resources by clicking the below links:

              “We were running a program with Deloitte that reviewed Becker CPA materials for 50-70 students, in person. They were all on the same schedule (part by part). It was essential to have Bulk Scheduling so they could have the Exam at the same time. Simply put, I don’t think the Deloitte Stride Program would have been possible without Bulk Scheduling and Prometric’s support. While there were certainly wrinkles to iron out, Prometric was able to help get the program started and arrange scheduling at local facilities. Prometric and Deloitte made that happen.”

              Mark E. Evans
              Area Chair and Dale K. Cline Associate Dean for Accountancy
              Associate Professor of Accountancy
              Wake Forest University | School of Business