Author: Dina Barabash, Content Development & Web Specialist
Posted: Aug. 24, 2021

In June 2021, Prometric launched an interactive, searchable FAQ page to provide immediate access to test takers looking for answers to the most common questions about the testing process with Prometric. The webpage collates test taker resources from into a single source of truth that makes finding answers to candidates’ most-pressing questions easier than ever. Test takers can either use the search function at the top of the webpage or interactive buttons to find vital information on the following:

•            Schedule, Reschedule, Cancel of Confirm Exam FAQs

•            COVID-19 FAQs

•            COVID-19 Updates

•            Prometric’s Global Test Center Policies

•            Locating a Test Center FAQs

•            Payment & After the Exam FAQs

Prometric continues to update this page with the most up-to-date information to keep candidates in the know, and they will be looking to launch a chat feature to better assist test takers directly. To learn more and to take advantage of the new features, visit the interactive FAQ page here: