SHARE: On June 30, 2021, the 2020-21 NASBA Nominating Committee, under the leadership of chair Laurie J. Tish (WA), met and selected the following slate of officers and directors for 2021-22, to be voted on by the member boards at the 114th Annual Business Meeting in November: Vice Chair Richard N. Reisig (MT – Associate)
Regional Directors (one-year term), a regional director may serve three one-year terms
The following list indicates current board members and the status of their term. At-large directors may serve two three-year terms. For purposes of Bylaws Section 4.5.7 compliance, an at-large director’s status as a delegate or associate is based upon their status when elected.
W. Michael Fritz (OH – Associate), 2020-2021 Vice Chair, will accede to the office of chair. Carlos Barrera (TX – Associate) will accede to the office of past chair upon the installation of Mr. Fritz as chair. Nominations may also be made by any five member boards if filed with NASBA Chair Carlos Barrera at least 10 days prior to the Annual Business Meeting. No nominations from the floor will be recognized. A majority vote of the designated voting representatives of the member boards attending the Annual Meeting shall constitute an election provided a quorum is present. |