As of August 1, Wade A. Jewell has become president of AEQUO and Director of International Evaluation Services. Aequo is the NASBA entity founded in 2014 to provide universities and other professional boards with the high standard of evaluations that NASBA is able to offer the Boards of Accountancy. Mr. Jewell had been the executive director of the Virginia Board of Accountancy since 2009 and is a past chair of NASBA’s Executive Directors Committee. He has been involved in many NASBA committees and task forces, including most recently the Reorganization Impact Task Force.

Having been part of Virginia’s government since 1988, Mr. Jewell had served in financial and operational management positions in the Department of Corrections, Department of Social Services and Department of Transportation. He was assistant executive secretary of the State Compensation Board, responsible for the budget, finance, auditing reporting and policy sections of the agency. Prior to working for state government, Mr. Jewell held positions with Reynolds Metals Company and Smith-Midland Corporation. He graduated with honors from the University of Richmond and the Virginia Executive Institute.

“We have all been impressed with Wade’s ability to bring fresh insights into every issue he has tackled and I am confident that he will be an outstanding addition to the NASBA staff,” NASBA President and Chief Executive Officer Ken Bishop stated.