The AACSB has established an Accounting Accreditation Policy Committee and is making good progress in establishing “Eligibility Procedures and Accreditation Standards for Accounting Accreditation,” reports NASBA Education Committee Chair Ray Johnson (OR). NASBA representatives have been involved in the development of these standards and in making a final review of the revised standards. It is anticipated that the new standards will be voted on in April by the AACSB and will be reported on at the NASBA Regional Meetings in June.

Providing the Boards of Accountancy with a direct link to accreditors is another project the Education Committee is focused on, Dr. Johnson stated. A link is being created on the Executive Directors’ portal of the NASBA website via which Boards will be able to raise issues with accreditors about potential academic integrity issues at accredited institutions. Plans call for the project to be discussed at the Executive Directors Conference in March and to be launched in April.

Dr. Johnson also anticipates presenting the Regional Meetings with an update on how work is being done with the American Council on Education and the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers to achieve greater transparency in transcripts, particularly with respect to credit granted for life experience (often referred to as “credit for prior learning”) and credit granted based on an assessment of competencies.