Author: Jenna Elkins, NASBA Communications and Digital Media Specialist
Infographic designed by: Anthony Cox, NASBA Graphic Designer
Posted: September 1, 2017

Why do many Americans not labor (definition: work, especially hard physical work) on a day called, Labor Day? That’s because the first Monday of September, Labor Day, is dedicated to celebrating the social and economic achievements of American workers.

This yearly event was first celebrated on Tuesday, September 5, 1882, in New York City as well as the following year, on September 5, 1883. Making this a tradition, in 1884, the first Monday of September was selected to officially recognize Labor Day, and the Central Labor Union invited other cities and organizations to follow the example of New York and celebrate. Fast forward to 2017, Americans now have a holiday that is celebrated nationwide.

In recognition of Labor Day, NASBA offices will be closed on Monday, September 4. NASBA also created the below infographic that gives a snapshot of interesting facts about Labor Day and the accounting profession. If you get the day off, we hope you enjoy your no-labor day on Labor Day!