With statutes approved in 54 of the 55 U.S. jurisdictions, individual mobility has become a reality for CPAs from coast to coast. In addition, 33 jurisdictions now offer firm mobility. For individuals, mobility is a practice privilege that generally permits licensed CPAs in good standing, from a substantially equivalent state, to practice outside of their principal place of business without obtaining another license. Likewise, firms meeting the ownership and peer review requirements of the mobility jurisdiction may provide attest services in another state where it is not registered and does not have a physical office, under a “no notice, no fee, no escape” regime. With CPAmobility.org, CPAs can learn whether mobility applies to their specific situation and whether firm registration or other paperwork is required – all within four clicks. Desktop and mobile access to CPAmobility.org provides a wealth of information at your fingertips.

Learn more about CPAmobilty.org