The  ABA Journalrecently announced that Utah has opened the very first law firm started by nonlawyers in the United States. Due to legal reforms approved by the Utah Supreme Court in August 2020, law firms, like Law on Call, with nonlawyer owners and nontraditional legal service providers may operate in a “regulatory sandbox” in the state. 

Currently, the firm conducts its business with the help of three lawyers and two paralegals. However, the company hopes to hire up to 100 lawyers and operate in Arizona and other states that lift restrictions on nonlawyer ownership of law firms.  

According to the Journal, Law on Call is a project of Northwest Registered Agent, a company in Spokane, Washington, that provides registered agent and corporate filing services. Tom Glover, President of Northwest Registered Agent, told that the company fills a need for consumers who are frustrated with the hurdles to hiring a lawyer. “You need to try to find one you like, submit an inquiry, schedule an initial call, connect with a lawyer to see if it’s a fit, get an engagement letter, send in a deposit,” Glover told “Our customers are a lot more fast-paced.” 

Clients of the firm pay a low monthly rate for unlimited phone access to lawyers who may assist with business law, end-of-life planning, contracts, employment, housing and real estate concerns. Discounted hourly rates are also available.