NASHVILLE, Tenn., October 20, 2020 – On October 13, 2020, the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) Board of Directors met to discuss the recommendation of the NASBA Uniform Accountancy Act Committee to approve proposed amendments to the Uniform Accountancy Act (UAA) Model Rules for education.   Following an overview of the comments received during the public comment period and the recommended amendments to the model rules led by NASBA UAA Committee Chair J. Coalter Baker, CPA, the Board voted unanimously to approve the proposed amendments. 

    The Board of Directors’ vote was the culmination of a months-long effort by NASBA and the American Institute of CPAs (AICPA) to solicit input and feedback from various stakeholders, including Boards of Accountancy and State CPA Societies. Daniel J. Dustin, NASBA Vice President-State Board Relations stated, “The approved UAA amendments will better align the model education rules with rules already adopted by a majority of Boards of Accountancy. The revisions will also update the model rules to recognize changes related to the implementation of the CPA Evolution Initiative.”

    Earlier this year, the NASBA Board of Directors and AICPA Council endorsed the implementation of the CPA Evolution Initiative, a multi-year project that will result in an update to the education and examination requirements for licensure as a CPA.

    Further information about the CPA Evolution Initiative may be found at:

    To view a copy of the final adopted Model Rule, CLICK HERE.