Amendments to NASBA’s Bylaws dealing with teleconferences and the Nominating Committee will be voted on at the Annual Business Meeting in November. Responding to issues raised over the past year, the Bylaws Committee has proposed changes to Bylaws 4.11; 7.1.8 ; and 7.2.2. At their July 24, 2020 virtual meeting, the NASBA Board of Directors approved the distribution of the proposed changes for vote by the member Boards in November.

The changes to Sections 4.11 and 7.1.8 modernize the wording to reflect current teleconferencing practices and clarify the extent to which teleconferences may substitute for in-person meetings. Changes to the Nominating Committee’s procedures outlined in Section 7.2.2 would allow the Committee to look beyond the initially proposed candidates to make their selection.

Bylaws Committee Chair Katrina Salazar (CA) explained to the NASBA Board: “The changes to Section 4 allow for remote meetings when required under circumstances such as the present COVID-19 situation, as well as in more ordinary circumstances when such practices are required to effectively meet NASBA’s needs.” She continued: “Our proposed changes to Section 7.2.2 would provide the Nominating Committee with the resources necessary to fulfill NASBA’s goal of ensuring diversity among leadership positions.”

During their July meeting, the Board also unanimously approved a resolution presented by NASBA Chair Laurie J. Tish (WA) in support of the advancement of the CPA Evolution initiative, in an effort to design and implement a new approach to CPA licensure. She reported a similar resolution had been unanimously approved by the AICPA Council in May. Ms. Tish said the initiative is progressing on schedule: The practice analysis for the reconfigured Uniform CPA Examination began in July, with the launch of the new Exam slated for January 2024.

Commenting on the unanimous approval of the resolution (see page 4), President Ken L. Bishop stated: “Through this joint NASBA/AICPA initiative, we aim to transform the CPA licensure model in recognition of the rapidly changing competencies and skills the practice of accountancy will require into the future in order to fulfill its mandate to protect the public interest.”