SHARE: ![]() Author: Dina Barabash, Content Development & Web Specialist Are you finding it difficult to multitask while working from home? Are you faced with additional distractions and challenges you were not expecting? If so, you are not alone. Many in the workforce are learning to adjust to today’s new normal workday. Often, this means extended hours, tending to the needs of family and avoiding the technological distractions. Fear not, as there are a few ways to stay productive during your workday, with the following time management tips. Many people find that they are more focused and energized earlier in the day. Use this to your advantage! Complete your most critical tasks in the morning. This will allow you to cross off your larger projects early and help you organize the rest of your day. In fact, studies have found that early risers are more productive and feel more accomplished at day’s end. It is important to take breaks, so be sure to schedule those into your day. For example, when you are working in an office, you may take a few minutes to catch up with a coworker, grab a snack or return a phone call from a family member. While working from home, allow yourself a few minutes in the day to do the same. You may even want to schedule these breaks as a reward for accomplishing certain tasks. If a task seems overwhelming, and you are unsure how and where to begin, break down your larger goals into manageable pieces. Begin by analyzing the larger task and determine how you can break it up into smaller, actionable tasks. This method will give you some insight into ways you can quickly, and possibly more immediately, begin completing your to-do list. While working remotely, what have you found works best for you when completing your to-do list? Do you have recommendations for others working from home? We want to know! |