SHARE: It is not too early to start thinking about throwing your hat into the ring for a position on NASBA’s Board of Directors. May 22 is the deadline for submitting your resume to NASBA Nominating Committee Chair Janice Gray for a Regional Director or Director-at-Large slot. Either mail your letter of interest and resume to Ms. Gray at NASBA, 150 Fourth Avenue North – Suite 700, Nashville TN 3729-2417 or e-mail [email protected] or [email protected]. To be considered for a Regional Director position you need to be a member of your State Board of Accountancy at the time of the Annual Business Meeting on November 3 or within six months of completion of your term on the State Board at that date. April 7 is the deadline for indicating your interest in being nominated for NASBA Vice Chair 2020-2021. For Vice Chair you would need to have served a minimum of two years on the NASBA Board of Directors, but do not need to currently be on a State Board. May 22 is also the deadline for nominations for the 2020-2022 Nominating Committee members and alternates from the Central, Middle Atlantic, Pacific and Southeast Regions. The elections of the Nominating Committee members and alternates will take place during the Regional breakout sessions at the June Regional Meetings. Nominating Committee members are not eligible to serve on the NASBA Board of Directors while on the Nominating Committee or for a year following their service. |