Author: Cassandra Gray, Communications Manager, NASBA
Posted: October 26, 2018

NASBA members are invited to watch the latest NASBAcast interview highlighting the International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants’ (IESBA) newly restructured code of ethics for professional accountants and non-compliance with laws and regulations (NOCLAR).

This two-part interview features insights shared by IESBA Chairman, Dr. Starvos B. Thomadakis, and NASBA Board of Directors Member and Audit Conduct Owner, Catherine R. Allen, CPA. The interview is led by Thomas Kenny, Chief Communications Officer of NASBA.

Learn more about the mission of IESBA, the impact of standards adoption by the U.S. Boards of Accountancy, the difference between rules-based and principle-based standards, and more.

Click the videos below to view the two-part interview.