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State Board Report

February 2017

April 1, 2017 is the deadline for proposals for NASBA Accounting Education Research grants, available to faculty and postdoctoral researchers at institutions of higher education. Preference in awarding the grants is given to research in areas helping NASBA and the State Boards of Accountancy protect the public and be better resources to the public accounting profession.

Research interests of NASBA include, but are not limited to, characteristics of successful candidates, variables in accounting programs that impact CPA exam performance, and barriers to entry into the accounting profession for under-represented groups.

Applicants must be affiliated with a U.S. academic institution. NASBA will fund and award grants totaling up to $25,000 for one-year research projects. The researcher(s) will be expected to finalize the research within one year of the grant award date and may be asked to present their findings to NASBA’s Board of Directors or at its national meeting. Details about the program can be found on Applications should be made to