March 4, 2016It is time to begin planning for NASBA’s 2016-17 committee cycle and we encourage you to volunteer your knowledge, abilities and time to NASBA by serving on a committee during the next committee year. Committee assignments for 2016-17 will be made by Vice Chair Ted Lodden, based on the information contained in the submitted forms. We request that, even if you currently serve on a committee, you indicate your interest in continuing to serve next year by submitting a completed form. NASBA’s committees are the bodies that keep NASBA a vital organization. Our volunteer network provide invaluable knowledge through participating in committees, task forces, governance and standard setting bodies and is made up of a dynamic and diverse network of individuals. They uphold the association’s structure (like the Bylaws Committee, the Administration and Finance Committee, the Audit Committee, etc.), take ideas and convert them into practical strategies (like the Enforcement Resources Committee, Communications Committee, Compliance Assurance Committee, etc.), and create the vision for NASBA’s future (like the Diversity Committee, the Legislative Support Committee, the Standard-Setting Advisory Committee, etc.). This year we have included an attachment listing the charge and time commitments for each committee that are required, based upon last year’s committee work. > View Committee Charges and Time Commitments Much of the committee work is accomplished via conference calls and email, but they may also require in-person meetings. Through NASBA committees, State Board Members share what they have learned with those from other states to further NASBA’s mission: "To enhance the effectiveness and advance the common interests of the Boards of Accountancy." As a reminder, all State Board Members and NASBA Associates are eligible to serve; however, note that Associate Members must meet rules and guidelines set forth in NASBA’s Bylaws. In past years, this process was implemented online, and this year we are asking again that you submit your selection(s) by following these easy step by step instructions: