How long will my passed exam credits be extended in 2024 after the transition to CPA Evolution? My current credit expires on 6/30/2025, this is not 30 months which I should have?

      There are 3 different “credit extension” processes which are occurring with the transition to CPA Evolution.

      • Transition to CPA Evolution: All CPA Examination Candidates who have credit which was set to expire between 1/1/2024 and 6/29/2025, will have their credits extended until 6/30/2025 (this has already been completed.) This was done to support those candidates with the delay in testing and score release due to the transition to CPA Evolution.
      • Changes in Conditional Credit: Prior to the launch of CPA Evolution all condition credit was set to expire within 18 months of your exam date.  This rule is set and regulated by each individual state board of accountancy. NASBA made a recommendation for the state boards to change this conditional credit. It is up to each individual board of accountancy to adopt these changes and will require the board to set the rules and implement the changes. You will need to contact your state board of accountancy directly for information on their process and how your credits would be affected.
      • Credit Relief Initiative: Some state boards allowed their candidates to have some expired credits reinstated due to the hardships which came with the Covid-19 pandemic. You may contact [email protected] for more information regarding this process.

          When will “testing windows” and “score release windows” go back to normal? When will we see the testing windows/score release windows for 2025?

              Whenever a new Exam is launched, additional analysis is needed before candidate scores can be released. The schedule for score releases in 2024 is like 2011 and 2017, when new versions of the CPA Exam were launched.​ With the new Exam blueprints, there is a good deal of new content on the Exams, and this requires additional analysis after candidates have completed testing. ​For the first testing window of a new Exam, a new passing score must be set, and this requires further analysis in several steps. Accordingly, scores for the first testing window take longer than scores for subsequent windows. These windows should return to normal once the AICPA has had time to completely thoroughly vet the new exams. The schedule for 2025 should be updated on the AICPA’s website around August/September.

                What are the specific educational requirements needed to apply for licensure and who can sign off on my work experience?

                    • Each individual state board of accountancy sets their requirements for the education required to take the CPA Exam and to obtain your CPA License. Depending on the jurisdiction you apply to for the exam and licensure would determine where you can find this information. If you visit our website, you can look at this list of jurisdiction in the box. After clicking on a specific jurisdiction, it will give you the information needed as a candidate applying for the CPA Exam. It will either direct you to your state board for additional information or, if NASBA handles the evaluation, it will give you that information, as well as a contact if you need to reach someone for more information.
                    • This is like the licensure process as well. If you visit our website, you can see the licensure process we handle for individual boards. If your board is not listed here, you must contact them directly regarding any licensure questions. If your board is listed here, you can click on the state, and it will give you additional information as well as contact information if you need to reach out for more information.

                      Why can we not apply for multiple sections of the CPA Exam on a single NTS?

                          With the transition to CPA Evolution, it was decided that it was best for the candidates to only allow them to sign up for individual exam sections. Most candidates who applied for more than one section never took the additional sections and lost those fees associated with the additional sections.

                            I have an international evaluation report which states I am eligible for the CPA Exam, but I am still required to submit an education evaluation application, why is that?

                                The international evaluation report, no matter who it is from, does not determine your eligibility for the CPA Exam. This is only a conversion of your international education to a U.S. equivalency which can then be used to evaluate your international education to the requirements set forth by your state board. Each international evaluation report is completed based on a specific jurisdiction and the specific requirements of that jurisdiction so it cannot be used towards an application for a jurisdiction other than what is listed on the evaluation report. 

                                  I am studying for the FAR exam, where should I focus most of my attention? How many MCQs are there? How is my exam graded and why am I listed as stronger/weaker in subject areas?

                                          I had an issue at the testing site while taking my exam. During the Exam, the computer shut down. They were able to restart the Exam and it picked up where I left off, but I am unsure if I lost any time or if it saved my information.

                                              Your current process while taking the exam is actively saving as you are moving through the exam. If the computer shuts down, it will pick back up where you left off and everything “submitted” prior to the shutdown is saved. Your timer will also start back where it left off. This also goes for the exam shutting down due to your exam time running out. All questions answered at the time of the exam timer stopping are captured and will be submitted with your exam file. If you have any concerns about the experience you had during your exam appointment at Prometric, you can email [email protected], no later than five (5) days from the date of your examination, with your exam appointment information and what issues you experienced.

                                                I am taking the Exam internationally and I am unable to see same available appointments when trying to schedule my exam even though I can see open appointments when looking for availability. How can I find exam centers near me, and how come I can only schedule so far in advance?

                                                    • On Prometric’s website there are two options to see available appointments. Their “locate” tool and “schedule” tool. If you would like to see what appointments available and what sites are near you, you would use the “locate” tool. This will allow you to enter your address and the exam you are taking, and it will show the closest testing centers to you and the available appointments. Prometric’s site only shows appointments up to 6 months in the future and only in two-week increments. So, 6 months from the current month is the latest you would be able to see availability and book appointments when using the “schedule” tool, but you will need to change the “two-week block” to coincide when you are looking to schedule.
                                                    • Once you are ready to schedule your exam you would use the “schedule” tool. This is where you will book your appointment. Some international candidates experience an issue where they can see appointments in an international location, but when trying to schedule their exam, they do not see the same availability. This is because your NTS is not “set” to allow you schedule your exam internationally. You must pay the international administration fee located under your “VIEW NTS” button, before you can schedule an appointment at an international location. This international administration fee must be paid every time you take an exam at an international location. More information can be found here:

                                                        Will Prometric open any testing centers in my area? I must drive three hours to the closest testing center.

                                                            • Testing center locations are determined by the existence of established Prometric testing centers and the volume of candidates which could be impacted by opening a center in this new location. Regarding opening new international locations, it would also depend on:
                                                              • Volume demand as demonstrated by candidates from those countries taking the exam in the United States,
                                                              • Ability to deliver exam without overly burdensome legal obstacles,
                                                              • Security threat to exam (both physical security at test center and intellectual property security of exam content) assessed at levels equivalent to those presented domestically, and
                                                              • Existence of established Prometric test centers
                                                            • If you would like to request a testing center to be opened in a specific location, you may email [email protected] and your information will be forward to the appropriate party for review. You will not receive any email response back with an approved/denied decision of your request. These will just be taken into consideration.

                                                            I am currently sitting for the CPA Exams a candidate of Georgia and I have passed two exam sections, but I am moving to Tennessee, and want to be licensed in Tennessee. How do I get my passed exams transferred to Tennessee so I can finish the exams in Tennessee and apply for licensure there?

                                                                Is there a specific reason why you are transferring scores while in the process of taking the exams? If you pass two exam sections for Georgia, then want to apply to take the remaining two sections under Tennessee, you will need to submit a new education evaluation application, educational documentations (this includes international evaluation reports which must be tailored to the new jurisdiction before you can even be found eligible.) Then have your evaluation completed before you can apply for an NTS to take the remaining two sections. This takes time away from your conditional credit for the two sections you have passed. You should continue to take the exams as a Georgia candidate and once you have passed all your CPA Exams, then transfer those scores to Tennessee and apply for licensure at that time. You can use the “Candidate Score Transfer” through the NASBA Store to have your scores transfer from Georgia to Tennessee.

                                                                The “Candidate Score Transfer”  is only available for certain jurisdictions. If the jurisdiction you passed your exam sections through is NOT listed under the “From Jurisdiction”, then NASBA is not authorized to transfer your scores, and you must request those directly from your state board.