Ensuring compliance with Continuing Education Requirements (CPE) is essential to maintaining the integrity and competence of CPAs. NASBA developed the CPE Audit Service to address complexities and challenges expressed by Boards of Accountancy in enforcing their CPE regulations through their CPE audit process. This web-based application is backed by the powerful CPE Rules Engine and offers a comprehensive solution to enhance CPE enforcement for boards. 

CPE Audit Service provides a centralized location for CPAs to report the details of their CPE courses taken and associated documentation. Through its robust rules programming, the service seamlessly integrates each jurisdiction’s unique CPE requirements, ensuring that the CPE meets the requirements for their CPA license. The CPA sees an updated compliance result with each course entered, and when entry is required for all licensees, the service provides participating state boards with real-time, big picture compliance results for their entire population.  

The application streamlines the CPE reporting and audit process from beginning to end, allowing CPAs to report CPE hours and documentation electronically. This eliminates the need for paper-based submissions that boards must print, review and physically store. Boards can then select its CPE audit pool of licensees, notify the CPAs selected for audit and review each licensee’s course work and documentation and communicate with licensees entirely within the application – making the process more efficient. 

The boards that participate in the CPE Audit Service use it for more than conducting CPE audits. Some participating boards also require their licensees to complete their license renewal by entering their CPE within the application. Other participating state boards also allow for CPE entry for license reinstatements and CPE Reciprocity. CPAs seeking to reinstate their licenses can leverage the Audit Service to submit CPE quickly and efficiently to state regulators. Boards that allow CPE reciprocity can see that their licensees claiming this option are truly compliant with the CPE requirements of their other state board. 

Through its rules engine programming and online tools, the CPE Audit Service offers an innovative solution to enhance CPE enforcement for boards. The application’s automated reporting, compliance tracking and audit features transform how licensees report their CPE and how boards can evaluate and validate their CPAs compliance with their CPE requirements.  

For more information or to schedule a demonstration of the CPE Audit Service, please email: [email protected].  

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