Author: Dina Barabash, Content Development & Web Specialist
Posted: Aug. 29, 2022

Given the ever-changing regulatory environment and adoption of Mobility legislation, in most states, it is becoming increasingly difficult to remain up-to-date on the laws and rules governing CPAs. Accountancy Licensing Library (ALL) helps remove the complexity from the CPA license and firm registration process for busy accounting professionals. This valuable resource contains comprehensive and accurate information for the different types of CPA licenses (initial, reciprocal, mobility/practice privilege and firm registration).

ALL is the perfect resource for academic professionals, guiding potential CPAs in the next steps of their career after passing the CPA Exam! It bridges the gap between Exam requirements and actual licensing requirements and allows students to plan ahead.

The library has two main components. The ALL Research Tool allows users to determine state-to-state requirements quickly and easily for the CPA Exam and CPA license. Users can run a report showing the jurisdiction(s) where they are potentially eligible for the Exam and for licensure. The component is the State-by-State Details. ALL also provides CPA licensing requirements, step-by-step application instructions and state board forms for all 55 jurisdictions.

Best of all (see what we did there?), ALL provides FREE academic subscriptions to faculty advisors at colleges and universities to help students prepare for careers in accounting. There are currently nearly 350 schools that have ALL accounts! Students, you can use ALL to help you determine where to get a CPA license and provide you with all of the information and forms you need to apply. To purchase your subscription, get started here!