SHARE: On June 20, 2020 the NASBA Nominating Committee held a virtual meeting and selected the following individuals as their nominees for Directors-at-Large and Regional Directors, as reported by Nominating Committee Chair, Janice L. Gray (OK): Directors-at-Large (three-year term):
Regional Directors (one-year term):
Continuing to serve for the balance of their unexpired terms: Directors-at-Large (third year of a three-year term): Directors-at-Large (second year of a three-year term): Vice Chair Nominee As announced in May, the Committee selected W. Michael Fritz (OH) as their Vice Chair nominee, who will accede to the office of NASBA Chair 2021-2022 should he be elected by the member Boards at the Annual Business Meeting on November 3, 2020. Nominations may also be made by any five member Boards if filed with NASBA Chair Laurie J. Tish (WA) at least 10 days prior to the Annual Business Meeting. A majority vote of the designated voting representatives of the member Boards participating in the Annual Meeting shall constitute an election provided a quorum is present. NASBA Chair and Past Chair Under the provisions of NASBA’s Bylaws, at the 2020 Annual Meeting, A. Carlos Barrera (TX) will accede to the office of NASBA Chair, and Ms. Tish will accede to the office of Past Chair. |