Candidates are now able to take the Uniform CPA Examination at testing sites in England, Germany, Ireland and Scotland. Registration for those sites began on September 5 for testing beginning on October 1. U.S. citizens living abroad are eligible to test in any location where the CPA Examination is offered, but now citizens and residents of the European Union member nations, Norway, the Russian Federation and Switzerland will also be able to take the Examination at these European Prometric testing centers.

The Uniform CPA Examination is also available at testing locations in Bahrain, Brazil, Japan, Kuwait, Lebanon and the United Arab Emirates. All of the testing centers also offer the International Qualifications Examination (IQEX) to accounting professionals whose professional bodies have entered into a mutual recognition agreement developed by the NASBA/AICPA International Qualifications Appraisal Board (IQAB). Those bodies include: Institute of Chartered Accountants Australia, Chartered Professional Accountants Canada, Chartered Accountants Ireland, Instituto Mexicano de Contadores Publico, Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants, New Zealand Institute of Chartered Accountants, Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland, and CPA Australia.

Applicants to take the Uniform CPA Examination in locations outside the United States may be made through those U.S. Boards that offer eligibility for international candidates. A list of the participating jurisdictions and information about fees can be found on Those taking the Examination outside the United States must meet the same education and experience requirements as other U.S. CPA candidates.