NASBA’s CPA Examination Services continues to serve more Boards of Accountancy in more ways, Compliance Services Director Patricia Hartman reported to the NASBA Board on April 27. Now CPAES is processing CPA candidate information for 32 Boards of Accountancy, and for 11 it is providing some form of licensing service. Fifty states have approved the NASBA International Evaluation Service (NIES) to provide transcript evaluations, with 20 of those states making NIES the sole provider of such services. One university’s master’s program is depending on NIES evaluations. A couple of government departments at the state level are interested in using the evaluation service as well.

Besides providing decorative wall certificates for CPAs in some states, NASBA’s Wall Certificate Service is also being used for one state’s landscape architects and engineers.

“The Gateway launch was successful,” Ms. Hartman told the NASBA Board. She underscored the value of the new version of the Gateway system in addressing issues of data integrity, data security and better audit trails for changes that are made to any data. “Overall, the workflow in client services is subject to more rigor with this new version,” she stated.

In the two weeks following the launch of the new Gateway, call volume was 2.5 times higher than normal. NASBA increased its phone capacity to meet the demand and volume did return to normal levels.