Legislative Support

NASBA’s Legislative Support focus ensures that Boards of Accountancy have the tools to act on behalf of and to protect the public. We regard the legislative bill-tracking program as an important and unprecedented step to enhance the effectiveness and advance the common interests of all Boards of Accountancy by allowing Boards to become more readily aware of key pieces of legislation that may greatly impact their regulatory responsibility.

Key Person Contact

In any legislative endeavor, it is of utmost importance to establish a strong internal legislative network. NASBA’s Key Person Contact (KPC) program identifies Board of Accountancy members and executive directors who have personal and/or professional relationships with those serving in state and federal legislatures – along with those serving in the executive branches of state government. These individuals can provide additional backing for the support or opposition of legislation affecting the regulation of the accounting profession, and produce a coherent and cohesive network. The KPC program will serve as a nexus for transmitting information to legislators and reporting information about proposed, or pending legislation to NASBA.

If you have questions or would like more information regarding NASBA’s Legislative Support efforts, please contact John Johnson, NASBA’s Director of Legislative and Governmental Affairs, at (615) 880-4232 or at [email protected].

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Legislative Support Links

October 23, 2020 Letter of Support
Board Statutes
Key Person Contact Program
Legislative Tracking
North Carolina Dental Case
Session Snapshot
Legislative E-news