Tag Archives: Janice Gray

Awards Committee Welcomes Nominations Through June 30

SHARE: NASBA Awards Committee Chair Janice L. Gray (OK) encourages all Boards of Accountancy to discuss and identify deserving NASBA members to be considered for NASBA’s 2021 Awards. Online nominations are currently being accepted for the following award categories: William H. Van Rensselaer Award – Since 1988, recipients of this award are individuals who have…

Calling Future NASBA Leaders

SHARE: It is not too early to start thinking about throwing your hat into the ring for a position on NASBA’s Board of Directors. May 22 is the deadline for submitting your resume to NASBA Nominating Committee Chair Janice Gray for a Regional Director or Director-at-Large slot. Either mail your letter of interest and resume…

Chair’s Memo: CPA Evolution

SHARE: During my inaugural address, I stated that the time is now to review the skill sets required to become a CPA and to make appropriate changes to the three Es – education, examination and experience requirements. Over the past two years, I have been involved with the CPA Evolution initiative. The NASBA/AICPA leadership group…

State Board Representatives Chosen

SHARE: NASBA Chair Janice Gray reported to the NASBA Board of Directors that the following individuals recommended by NASBA have been recently appointed to outside groups: Board of Examiners: Kathleen Smith (NE), James Corley (AR) (as executive directors’ representative) and Sheldon Holzman (IL). (Mr. Holzman had been an AICPA appointee, but will represent NASBA for…

Carlos Barrera Vice Chair Nominee

SHARE: A. Carlos Barrera, CPA (TX) was selected on May 3 as the Nominating Committee’s candidate for NASBA Vice Chair 2019-2020, to stand for election at the October Annual Business Meeting. If elected Vice Chair by the member State Boards of Accountancy, Mr. Barrera will automatically accede to NASBA Chair 2020-2021. A NASBA Director-at-Large, and…

Executive Directors and Societies Meet

SHARE: NASBA’s 37th Annual Conference for Executive Directors and State Board Staff, March 26-28 in San Antonio, TX, once again brought together the Boards’ top administrative staff with the chief executives of the State CPA Societies. Information was shared about many topics of common interest including the administration of the Uniform CPA Examination, significant legislation…

Staff Augmentation ED Raises Concerns

SHARE: NASBA Chair Janice L. Gray and President & CEO Ken L. Bishop have written to the AICPA Professional Ethics Executive Committee expressing NASBA’s concerns about PEEC’s proposed Staff Augmentation Arrangements Interpretation, which would address a nonattest service in which a CPA firm’s staff provides services to an attest client under the client’s supervision. Their…

IAESB Looks to Outputs for CPE

SHARE: While most current U.S. standards for continuing professional education call for an input-based approach of measuring continuing education in terms of hours, the International Accounting Education Standards Board (IAESB) is calling for the output-based measurement approach to continuing education as well. The revised International Education Standard (IES) 7, Continuing Professional Development “places greater emphasis…

Engaging in Evolution of the Profession

SHARE: We live in a world where change happens so fast it doesn’t give us time to adjust to the new “normal”. If there is one thing that we can expect from working in the accounting profession, and the regulation of accounting, it is that change will continue — and it will happen at a…

Hacked and To Be Hacked

SHARE: Everyone has been hacked, FBI Supervisory Special Agent Martin E. Hellmer told the NASBA Annual Meeting. He warned all not to trust e-mail, as it is too easy to fake, and advised all to train and test their employees to be alert to such schemes. He also recommended that best practice is for everyone…

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