Tag Archives: President’s Memo

President’s Memo: New Beginnings – Part 2 

SHARE: In my President’s Memo in January, I ended the memo with, “More later about my ‘new beginnings’!”  I decided to title this memo “New Beginnings – Part 2” because I am naturally inclined to embrace change and transitions as necessary and positive, and not as endings. That being said, this will be my final…

President’s Memo: New Beginnings 

SHARE: You may have noticed that the title of this Memo, “New Beginnings,” continues use of last year’s Annual Meeting theme in New York City. At the time of our meeting, in early November, impending changes and transitions were discussed through the lens of looking to the future. Now, most of the discussed elements of…

President’s Memo: “You are not listening!” 

SHARE: As the president and CEO of NASBA, I have always felt comfortable in my ability to monitor and measure what I describe as the temperature of our stakeholders. While the State Boards of Accountancy are our primary stakeholders, we are certainly interested in the opinions and ideas of Board of Accountancy staff members, State…

President’s Memo: The 150 Legacy

SHARE: Late last year, I was saddened to read the obituary of Robert Ellyson, a former chairman of the Florida State Board of Accountancy and past chair of NASBA. I had gotten to know Bob (he insisted I call him ‘Bob’ and not “Mr. Ellyson”) as before he died, he began calling me, not for any…

President’s Memo: Diplomacy 

SHARE: Usually long before I pen the beginning drafts of my President’s Memo, I spend significant time looking through the thoughts and ideas I have jotted down that I might want to write about. This forum provides me a unique opportunity to opine, suggest and, sometimes, attempt to persuade readers on issues, challenges and opportunities.…

President’s Memo: Unwinding 

SHARE: In January of this year, my President’s Memo was titled “Time to Unwind.” I described how NASBA had been extremely cautious and risk adverse as we worked through the COVID-19 (COVID) pandemic, but that our intent going forward was to return to in-person conferences and meetings so that we could focus on the important…

President’s Memo: Re-Thinking the Future

SHARE: If there has been a common theme to most of the conversations I have had across the country this year, it is a recognition that while change is inevitable, there has been a significant amplification (or at least an enhanced recognition) of change over the past couple of years. NASBA, like any other association…

President’s Memo: Time to Unwind

SHARE: By being married to a former professor and PhD, I am often corrected when I use a word or phrase inappropriately. Similarly, former President Harry Truman, a fellow Missourian, was often criticized for his misuse of words and language. He once stated that he liked to use “plain language that the folks understand.” I…

President’s Memo: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

SHARE: I cannot adequately describe my disappointment that once again the impact of Coronavirus continues to be a focus of the President’s Memo and in much of my personal and professional daily life. With the tremendous success of the three vaccines in preventing infection and minimizing symptoms in breakthrough cases (the ‘good’), one would think…

President’s Memo: Groundhog Day

SHARE: I am sure that many of you have had the opportunity to watch the 1993 movie, Groundhog Day. For those who haven’t, the movie portrays a cynical television weatherman (Phil Connors), played by Bill Murray, who was assigned to cover the annual February 2nd Groundhog Day celebration in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania. Somehow, Phil gets caught in a time loop that…