Category Archives: Publications

Response to PEEC: Proposed Revised Interpretation – Executive or Employee Recruiting – 9/2/2024

Response to PEEC: Proposed Revised Interpretation – Tax Services – 9/2/2024

The Hazards of Redefining Mobility

SHARE: Over the last several months, there have been discussions by various groups on removing Substantial Equivalency, as set forth under Section 23 of the Uniform Accountancy Act (UAA), as the criteria for determining mobility. These discussions have centered around replacing Substantial Equivalency with an “Automatic Mobility” provision as a way to ensure mobility continues…

Response to PCAOB: Proposed Auditing Standard – Designing and Performing Analytical Procedures – 8/8/2024

Full Issue: Summer 2024

Regulation and Oversight Matter

SHARE: In a recent Public Opinion Survey conducted by the Alliance for Responsible Professional Licensing (ARPL), surveying 1,200 U.S. voters on professional licensing perceptions, survey results provided valuable insight into the importance of licensing (generally), the role of licensing boards, workforce development pressures, and responsible artificial intelligence (AI) uses. 69% believe that without rigorous licensing…

The NASBA Report Makes a Comeback

SHARE: NASBA is pleased to announce the return of the long-awaited NASBA Report: Candidate Performance on the Uniform CPA Examination, for the 2020 – 2023 Exam years. The publication series was paused in recent years to ensure the successful planning and implementation of CPA Evolution. Designed with jurisdiction and university/accreditation analyses in mind, the annual…

U.S. CPA Exam Expands to Philippines

SHARE: Did you know that the Uniform CPA Examination (Exam) is now offered in 19 countries? On July 1, 2024, NASBA and the AICPA, in partnership with Prometric, expanded international testing availability of the Exam to the Republic of the Philippines. As part of this expansion, CPA candidates in the Philippines can now register to…

BAP and AAA 2024 Annual Meetings

SHARE: Representatives of NASBA and the NASBA Center for the Public Trust (CPT) recently attended the 2024 Beta Alpha Psi Annual Meeting (Orlando, FL) and American Accounting Association Annual Meeting (Washington, DC). Team members served in a variety of capacities during the meetings, including showcasing products and services catering the academic community, participating on panel…

Professional Licensure Task Force Work Continues

SHARE: The Professional Licensure Task Force (PLTF), established by NASBA Chair Stephanie Saunders, is continuing its work to consider new concepts for CPA licensure that may be included in the Uniform Accountancy Act (UAA) to update the current licensure model. Earlier in the year, the PLFT-NPAG (National Pipeline Advisory Group) Working Group agreed to move…