Enforcement NewsletterNovember 2014NASBA and the Enforcement Resources Committee recently reached out to state boards to better understand their enforcement processes. NASBA is continually receiving questions from various sources regarding the enforcement processes of the boards and efforts to determine the most common enforcement practices among the boards.
An online survey would not allow the type of communication necessary to gather a true understanding of the enforcement process at each board, so the Committee members have personally contacted each board to obtain this information. We thank all the boards that have already provided information through this process and will continue to follow up with the handful of boards that have not yet responded. The Enforcement Resources Committee is focused on providing those resources that are most needed and requested by the boards and this is a great example of such a need. If you haven’t viewed all the enforcement tools now available to the boards, please visit the Enforcement Tools webpage. When finalized, the enforcement principles developed as a result of this survey process will be added to the Enforcement Tools webpage. |
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