To ensure that your publication is professional, polished and timely, the following guidelines have been established for Boards of Accountancy requesting outreach services. Publications include, but are not limited to, annual reports, newsletters, promotional slicks and infographics.


One of the first steps to creating your board’s publication is to choose the design, color scheme and layout. Templates can be created based off the board’s website, newsletter design or branding.


Content should be submitted via Communications Request Form.


CameraImageBoards may submit photographs and graphics via email to accompany content (high-resolution jpg or png files are acceptable, maximum file size 7 MB). High resolution files are generally 300 dpi and large in size.


Logos may be included in the publication. When submitting a logo, please send in vector format (jpg or eps files are accepted; however, eps is preferred). Logo examples include state or board seals. Please see samples below.



Charts may be submitted in Microsoft Excel format. The graphic designers may revise charts to coincide within the theme of the publication.



Once the layout is complete, a draft pdf of the publication will be sent to you and Cassandra Gray, NASBA’s Communications Manager, for review. During this review, both parties will check for proper grammar, misspellings, placement of graphics/photos and note any corrections that need to be made. To submit your corrections, you can send two different ways:

  • Make notes to the pdf and email back to the designer and Communications Manager
  • Print, mark up the document, scan it and email to the designer and Communications Manager

The Communications Manager will also share suggested edits with you and the designer. Once corrections are received, the designer will revise the document and send a draft pdf for final review and approval.


Email_ImageBefore publishing, your approval will be required to email and/or print the publication. Once approved, you will have the ability to post the publication to your website, email directly to target audiences, share via social media, and/or use in any manner that you determine appropriate.

Print Publication

If you choose to have your publication printed, please inform us of the quantity to be printed and your preferred address of where you want the printed materials shipped. Please note: Nominal fees may be charged to cover printing, mailing and shipping costs. Also, if your state requires that your board utilize an in-house or specific print vendor, your assigned designer is available to prepare and submit the proper print files on your board’s behalf.


Quick Links

Communications & Outreach Home
Annual Report/Brochure Library
Mass Email Guide
Mass Email Examples
Newsletter Guide
Newsletter Library
Social Media Guide
Video Production Guide
Video Library