exam tips

    Author: Dina Barabash, Content Development & Web Specialist
    Posted: March 12, 202

    Have you read the Candidate Guide for tips on completing the Uniform CPA Examination (Exam)? This guide is intended for individuals who plan to take the Exam. To take the examination, you must be declared eligible by one of the jurisdictions. The Guide is your secret weapon when preparing.

    The CPA Exam consists of three, four-hour long Core sections and one, four hour-long Discipline section of your choice. The Core sections are Auditing and Attestation (AUD), Financial Accounting and Reporting (FAR) and Taxation and Regulation (REG). The Discipline sections are Business Analysis and Reporting (BAR), Information Systems and Controls (ISC) and Tax Compliance and Planning (TCP). You may take the four sections in any order.

    Let’s begin with the application process. You must submit an application with any required documents and fees each time you want to take one or more sections of the Exam. Once your application has been evaluated, you will be contacted by your Board of Accountancy or CPAES. When you submit your application, you may also be required to submit some or all of the application and Examination fees. Because the rules vary by jurisdiction, follow the information provided to you by your Board of Accountancy, or CPAES, when paying the fees associated with the Examination. For jurisdiction-specific requirements, be sure that you follow the requirements of your Board of Accountancy. A general summary of CPA licensure requirements by jurisdiction may be found on NASBA’s website.

    Your key to taking the Exam is your Notice to Schedule (NTS). You must bring your NTS with you to the Examination and will not be allowed to enter the testing center if the name on the identification that you present does not exactly match the name on the NTS. Download and print your NTS, then verify that all information is correct. Be certain the name appearing on the NTS matches EXACTLY the name on the identification documents that you will use during check-in at the testing center. If the information is incorrect, or your ID and NTS do not match, immediately contact your Board of Accountancy or CPAES to request a correction. If your official government ID (i.e passport) does not indicate a surname or given name, please input ‘NoLastName’ or ‘NoFirstName’ on your application. This is a standard operating procedure with CPA Examination Services and Prometric testing centers.

    Ready to test? Contact Prometric’s Test Accommodations Department to schedule your Examination sections. If you have received your NTS by email or fax, you must wait 24 hours before contacting Prometric for scheduling. To ensure that you are able to take the Examination at the desired location on the desired date, schedule at least 45 days in advance. All Examinations with testing accommodations must be scheduled at least 10 days in advance.

    For even more tips and helpful advice, be sure to refer to the Candidate Guide! We look forward to welcoming you into the CPA profession.