Author: Jenna Elkins, Communications and Digital Media Specialist
Posted: Feb. 24, 2022

If you’re on the journey toward becoming a Certified Public Accountant (CPA), you know (or will soon find out) that this journey is not an easy one. One of the biggest hurdles is completing the CPA Exam. With four sections to pass, each one completely different from the other, many candidates find it overwhelming to know where to start studying or what to do next.

Recently, we asked NASBA social media followers to send us their most pressing questions for the year 2022. We selected a handful of questions and sent them to NASBA’s Director of Client Services, Pat Hartman. Below, are the answers!

  1. How do I get info about my state’s ethics exam? Visit your state board’s website.
  2. Why is there constant site repair on score release dates? The site is “under maintenance” on score release dates in order to upload the scores in the quickest manner possible.
  3. Is there a possibility for an additional CPA Exam credit extension due to the ongoing pandemic? Credit extensions are considered on a case-by-case basis if there are extenuating or extreme circumstances. There is no plan for further blanket extensions of NTSs or credit due to the pandemic.
  4. If the test knows how I scored well enough to self-adjust to a more difficult test bank mid-exam, why then does it take weeks to get an Exam score? CPA Exam scoring is treated with a high level of importance, due diligence, and attention to accuracy. Your responses to questions go through multiple quality assurance reviews to ensure scoring accuracy. For more information, visit:
  5. Is anything being done about the lack of testing appointments available and the closing of Prometric testing centers? Have you considered alternative testing locations, such as partnering with universities to proctor exams? Prometric monitors site availability closely, extending operating hours if possible. Candidate displacements are the last resort. 
  6. When a candidate scores high or low on a content area from the Performance Report and they retake it, are those questions replaced with a different content area or harder ones? No, questions are not replaced with different or more difficult content areas. The performance report shows your performance in each of the Exam’s content areas and overall performance by item type. You receive the report for informational purposes only as it has no bearing on your official score. The best strategy is to review all content areas of the CPA Exam section since the next time you take it you will again encounter a different number of items and different items that cover different aspects of the content areas. For more information, visit
  7. Why does there have to be two academic reviews, one in the beginning and one at the end, to become an official CPA? We undergo an academic evaluation to become eligible, so why can’t that be used to make our license official? Many jurisdictions allow candidates to take the CPA Exam with 120 hours of education or with education in progress. In order to obtain a license, you will need 150 hours. Therefore, it’s necessary to undergo a second academic review at the time you apply for license.
  8. I know this question doesn’t pertain to 2022, but can you give candidates some information on changes coming up in 2024? NASBA has information available here. The AICPA has updated frequently asked questions (FAQs) on the CPA Evolution Model Curriculum, and they are available on ThisWayToCPA. Additional information on the Core + Disciplines Exam structure is available in this blog post.
  9. What are the chances that NASBA would consider online testing? NASBA, the AICPA, and Prometric are looking at the possibilities of offering the CPA Exam remotely in the future. However, there are security and software issues that must be addressed in order to protect the Exam.  
  10. In the future or maybe now, can candidates or groups of candidates be assigned counselors? Someone they may not necessarily call but would be able to answer questions via email about their application, scores, or updates? Candidates can reach out to their state boards or CPA Examination Services for questions, score(s), etc. CPA Examination Services provides application services for 34 jurisdictions and candidates of these jurisdictions can check the status of applications via email or by calling 1-800-CPA-EXAM. 
  11. Are there any CPA Exam changes in 2022 vs 2021? There are no CPA Exam changes effective January 1, 2022.  For more information, visit
  12. Where can I find the best test-prep resources? NASBA cannot advise candidates on test prep resources.
  13. Is the Audit exam easier in early months of 2022? Level of difficulty is consistent throughout the year for each section of the CPA Exam, including the Audit and Attestation section. For more information, visit:   

    While each candidate will have their own journey toward becoming a CPA, one thing remains the same – the journey is a hard one, but one that is worth it.

    Are you prepared to conquer the CPA Exam? In addition to your CPA Exam study materials, make sure you read the Candidate Guide, which is a comprehensive, digital book of all the important things related to the CPA Exam. It will make your journey a bit easier!