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Enforcement Newsletter

August 2014

In 2009, an agreement was reached between NASBA and the AICPA to provide a mechanism by which the operations of the National Peer Review Committee (NPRC) could be monitored and reported on by NASBA’s Compliance Assurance Committee (CAC). Each year, two members of the CAC are appointed to the NPRC. They serve as full, participating members and periodically report back to the CAC. The CAC is in turn responsible for periodically releasing a report on the effectiveness and operations of the NPRC.

NASBA’s CAC has recently released the second monitoring report, 2011-2013 Report on Oversight of the AICPA National Peer Review Committee (NPRC), which covers the period from November 1, 2011 through October 31, 2013. For this period, the Committee is satisfied that individual state boards of accountancy and their peer review oversight committees (PROCs) may rely on the effectiveness of the NPRC. Going forward, the CAC will issue a report on oversight of the NPRC on an annual basis.

The 2011-2013 report can be accessed from the Peer Review Oversight Committee Resources section of

For more information about the National Peer Review Committee, refer to the NPRC website.

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