Enforcement NewsletterMay 2014NASBA is now making its CPE Audit Service available to all Boards that are participating in the Accountancy Licensee Database (ALD) using the hashed data to create a unique identifier for its licensees.
The service is a turnkey solution to Boards for conducting CPE audits. Boards may also opt to open the CPEtracking platform to all of their active licensees – so that licensees have an electronic means to enter and store their CPE information and documents, whether or not they are selected for audit. Proactive CPAs who maintain up-to-date records on their profile would have a major head start if they are selected for audit, significantly expediting the process on both sides. The magic of the CPE Audit Service is efficiency. CPAs are able to use the service as a central repository for all Continuing Professional Education training records, eliminating the need for paper storage. Likewise, Board staff can easily review CPE details and supporting documents and add correspondence and notes to an individual’s profile – reducing much of paperwork in the audit process. Future plans could allow CPE providers to file attendance records directly, saving CPAs and Board staff even more time. The Missouri State Board of Accountancy has successfully used the CPE Audit Service to conduct its CPE audits since 2012. The Tennessee State Board of Accountancy and Virginia Board of Accountancy adopted the program this year. The service is now being offered for free to Boards of Accountancy and can typically be implemented within a relatively short timeframe. “It is a really convenient tool. I have used it as a CPA myself,” said Missouri Board Executive Director Tom DeGroodt. “If you have your information in there, you have your documented evidence. So wherever you go as a CPA, it is available to you. You can even take a picture of the documents and upload them as photos if scanning isn’t convenient.” Boards interested in more information about NASBA’s CPE Audit Service should contact Rebecca Gebhardt at [email protected] or (615) 564-2134. |
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