May 2012

The ALD Integrity Review, developed by the ALD Committee’s Technical Strike Force, has thus far been conducted as a manual process by NASBA staff, but has recently been converted to an online, electronic process. This new process will bring added convenience for State Board staff and improved efficiency for NASBA staff.

NASBA’s goal is to perform a comprehensive Integrity Review with each participating ALD State Board once per year. The ALD Integrity Review is designed to:

  • Attain reasonable assurance that the data contained in ALD accurately reflects information contained in the State Board’s licensing system;
  • Assist the State Boards in identifying inconsistent licensee information when an individual occurs in multiple State Board records; and
  • Determine if changes have occurred in the state’s administration and/or systems that are relevant to ALD and require attention.

State Boards that participate in the ALD can expect to first be contacted personally by the ALD Manager, Elizabeth Bachhuber, to schedule the annual review. Once scheduled, an email will be sent with instructions and a link to an online form. The form includes all the questions and details needed for conducting the review. State Board EDs or assigned staff will complete the form and be able to attach any requested documents or files directly onto the form, so that everything necessary can be submitted all at once. The form responses and attachments are then received by NASBA and automatically mapped into an internal database for evaluation.

Also as part of the process, a summary of the processing and structural errors generated by each Board’s feed and the original processing error report will be made available by NASBA on each Board’s ALDs FTP site in an outgoing folder to assist Boards in performing granular data cleanup in their own licensing databases.

In creating this state-of-the-art, secure and comprehensive process for maintaining the ALD system and increasing the integrity of the Boards’ data, we are continuing to increase the power of the ALD and CPAverify to help Boards and protect the public.